Cool bookshelves ideas for your Dream Home

Be inspired by this cool bookshelves that can add beauty and style to your dream home...

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photo courtesy:flickr.comphotos8101258@N043796046241
photo courtesy:flickr.comphotosdiana-loves-anpan2186216775
photo courtesy:flickr.comphotoszeodad2577696847
photo courtesy:flickr.comphotoskitchenplan5732638301
photo courtesy:flickr.comphotosflickerbulb138304642
More of cool bookshelves ideas for your dream home here...

The Lakeshore Project Map

Sample Computations - The Palms Lakeshore in Pampanga

Brooke Model House - The Palms Lakeshore in Pampanga

Sofia Model House - The Palms Lakeshore in Pampanga

Mia Model House - The Palms Lakeshore in Pampanga

Liana Model House - The Palms Lakeshore in Pampanga

The Developer - The Palms Lakeshore in Pampanga

How the Houses are built here in The Palms Lakeshore in Pampanga

Project Concept - The Palms Lakeshore in Pampanga

Amenities - The Palms Lakeshore in Pampanga

The Palms Lakeshore in Pampanga